Kurian Abraham Gloves Unit is an Environmentally Responsible Organization and has implemented and follows Environmental friendly practices involving periodic Employee Training, Resource Conservation and Material Control. Effluents from the glove plant is thoroughly processed and converted into usable water through the In-house Effluent Treatment Plant. Part of this cleaned, treated water is recycled for the factory operations and rest is used for the Gardens and Vegetable garden within the factory premises.
The company has taken a conscious decision to reduce the amount of pollutants and toxic materials it discharges into the environment. A series of Gasifiers have been installed to meet the energy requirements for reducing the dependence on Non-Renewable Sources and for minimizing toxic emissions. This has a two-fold advantage of reducing our dependency on non-renewable sources of energy and ensuring that our toxic emissions are minimized and as a result, Kurian Abraham Pvt Ltd has become a Cleaner, Greener company.